You can withdraw XYM from your Zaif account to an external XYM address through the Zaif website.
Important Note
*It’s not possible to delete or reverse XYM withdrawals once they have been sent. Please make sure you have the correct amount and withdrawal address selected before commencing a transfer.
1. Log into Zaif.
2. Go to the Account Page in the top right corner.
3. Once you are on your Account Page, click the XYM icon.
4. Click the “Withdrawal” button.
5. Carefully copy and paste the address you want to withdraw funds to in the Withdrawal Address text field. You can also choose from a list of pre-registered addresses by using “Manage XYM Withdrawal Addresses”. We recommend using this so you don’t make any mistakes when inputting an address.
6. Type any message you would like to send to the Destination address.
7. Input the amount of XYM you would like to withdraw in the “Amount” field.
8. The withdrawal handling fees for XYM are fixed as of 2017/12/28. The displayed handling fees are incurred at the time of deposit. *If the deposit destination is a Zaif Account, no handling fees will be incurred.
9. 最後に、出金アドレス、メッセージ、出金金額にお間違いがないか確認をして、2段階認証トークンを入力いただいたうえ、「出金」ボタンをクリックしてください。
10. Once the withdrawal from Zaif has been processed, the Date, Amount, Handling Fee, and Transaction hash will be displayed in your Withdrawal History. When the verification of your transaction on the XYM network has finished, the withdrawal will be complete.
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