When we verify your identity, there are some cases where Zaif will request you to take a selfie (a picture of yourself and personal identification that includes your face based on our judgment.
Please understand that, for security purposes, we cannot answer questions regarding how we make these decisions.
Please take a photo of yourself holding your personal identification with your face also included in the picture, and then upload this file.
Take note of the below points when sending your selfie. A picture like the one marked “D” below is recommended.
A. Pictures where the identification is blurry are invalid - the letters or face on the identification cannot be read.
B. Pictures where the identification is too far away are invalid - the letters or face on the identification cannot be read.
C. Pictures where the person’s face do not match the picture on the identification are invalid.
D. Pictures where all the person’s face and the information on the identification (portrait photo + lettering) match are valid.
Please don't print your identification document together, but hold the original identification document separately in your selfie.
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